Make Time For What Matters Most

Our time is precious. It runs out quickly. And if we aren't careful, before we know what's happened it's all gone. It's an age-old problem, and one that is more and more important as we live in an ever-busier world.

As we finish up Fundamentals this week, we're looking at what might just be the most important fundamental of them all, because, without it, well, we just won't have time for the rest. To figure out how to solve this problem we'll look to the life of Jesus in the Bible for how to not just manage our most precious resource, but how to invest that resource with purpose.

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Worship With Your Life

We were made to worship God. There's nothing more fundamental than that, but what does that mean? For most of us we probably think about music, singing, lifting hands, or other things along those lines. We talk about "worship" as if it's music, but that's complicated. What if we don't like the style? What if we don't like raising our hands? What if we really don't like singing at all? And, if worship is about singing, how can we even know if we're doing it "right"?

This week we'll explore the fundamental reason God made us – to worship Him, but more importantly we'll look to the words of Paul to learn what that looks like practically. And for each of us, when we fulfill our most basic God-given purpose in the way God intended, our relationship with Him grows, but, according to Paul, we are also able to follow Him more closely as well.

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Build Intimacy With God

God created us for relationship and intimacy with Him, but so many of us don't experience that intimacy in our faith. Why? What is it that keeps us from having exactly what God says He wants, and that He created us for.

In part one of this four part message series we'll look at the words and life of Jesus, strip back all the religious stuff we tend to attach to faith, and learn one simple, small habit we can put in place to give us access to the intimacy with God we so desperately want.

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God With Us

What do you imagine when you think of the birth of Jesus? A barn? Animals? Shepherds and wise men? We all have images we think of, but the truth is the Bible tells us very little about what Jesus' birth was like. In fact, two of the Gospels don't include anything about Jesus' birth at all.

Instead, the Bible focuses on why Jesus was born, because to the Biblical writers what it looked like simply didn't matter at all compared to why He came to earth.

This Christmas Eve we'll reimagine the Christmas story, no matter what images come to mind. We'll look at the birth of Christ through the eyes of both Matthew and Luke, to focus in on the most important detail: the "why".

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God's Abundant Blessing

Have you ever heard God blesses people who are obedient with their money? It's all over the Bible. But sometimes we run into a situation where we're obedient to God financially and we don't experience His blessing how we expect. In the worst of cases it doesn't seem like God is blessing us at all. What do we do then?

The reality is God does tell us he'll bless us. It's all over the Bible. It's a promise. But if we don't know what God means when He says He'll bless us we might just end up with expectations that He DIDN'T promise.

This week we'll explore what God means when He says He'll bless us. We'll gain a healthy understanding of what we can, and should, expect when we're obedient with our money. And we'll wrap up this series by giving one more piece of what God is looking for in us to unleash His blessing on us.

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How To Store Treasure In Heaven

Sometimes Jesus says things that are really hard to understand. Like when he says to "store up treasure in heaven". That sounds great in theory, but in reality, there's no "heaven bank" we can drive to and put our money in. So even if we want to do it, what does it actually look like?

In part two of "Mastered" we'll start where we left off last week. Last week we learned that to escape the money trap we have to obey the giver with our treasure. So this week we'll take the next step and explore just what that means. We'll come up with a working definition of "storing up treasure in Heaven", and we'll also discover a practical step we can take to begin doing just that.

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The Money Trap

Do you remember Chinese finger traps? The solution is opposite of what you think. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen into a trap the Bible describes when it comes to money, and without knowing it we've become stuck with no way to escape.

This week we're kicking off a new message series called Mastered. During this series we'll be exploring this trap and how we can escape it. The problem is, much like the Chinese Finger Trap, the more we try what makes sense the more we get stuck.

But the good news is, there is a way out. Today, in part one, we'll identify the trap and begin to find a way out. The great news is, once we do, we can not only find freedom from the money trap, but we will find incredible blessing on the other side.

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Think Long

Praying prayers that move God's heart is a great thing, but if that's all we ever do we've just reduced God to a cosmic Santa Claus, and that's not a role God is willing to play. The reality is prayer is much more than just praying those big, bold prayers. And, it's only by understanding that bigger picture of prayer that this whole process works anyway.

This week we're finishing up Circle Maker by looking at the story of one of the greatest circle makers in the Bible, Daniel. While he's most famous for his encounter with lions, the real secret to Daniel's life was something else entirely. As we look to his story we'll see the key trait that makes a circle maker a circle maker, and form a simple plan to unlock the power of prayer in our own lives.

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Pray Hard Part 2

Sometimes we dream big, we pray hard, and God doesn't come through. That can be a real challenge when God promises that he moves promptly if we pray for persistence. How do we reconcile God's promise of moving quickly with what seems like inaction for long periods of time? For some this question has destroyed their faith.

This week we'll tackle this issue head on and look not only to the Bible, but also to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity to gain insight to better understand God's actions. And hopefully, by the end, all our faith will be strengthened in the moments it seems like God isn't moving quickly enough.

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Pray Hard Part 1

If we're going to be people who pray prayers that move the heart of God we have to dream big, but we also have to pray hard. We can't phone it in, and we can't pray just because we're supposed to. There has to be something more, something deeper that drives us to go to God.

This week we'll look at a parable Jesus told, and also at a story of one of the geatest prophets in Israel's history – sometone Honi the Circle Maker was likely inspired by. As we do we'll learn what it really means to pray hard, and we'll also talk about what it looks like in a practical way.

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Dream Big

What kinds of prayers move the heart of God? That's a question many of us have never thought about, but, if we're going to pray prayers that move God's heart, it's an important one for us to ask. Unfortunately for many of us the reality is we don't see God move because we don't pray prayers that require Him to move.

In other words, for many of us, our prayers aren't God-sized prayers. They're "safe". They don't require any risk on our part, which means they don't require God at all. And if our prayers don't require God they aren't going to move God's heart. It's as simple as that.

This week we'll look to three short stories in the Bible of people dreaming God-sized dreams and moving the heart of Jesus to respond in miraculous ways. Plus, packed into the third story is a question at the very center of our faith, and a question that, if we don't settle it in our hearts, will prevent us from ever praying the kinds of prayers that move the heart of God.

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How To Pray For Rain

We hear stories of prayers that move the heart of God to do miracles. We read about these kinds of things in the Bible. We know God CAN do miracles, but for so many of us our prayers don't ever seem to move the heart of God to do much at all. Why is that? Why is it that for so many of us we just can't seem to move the heart of God at all? What does it even look like to pray prayers that move the heart of God?

This week we kick of a new series, called Circle Maker, where we'll learn how to pray big, bold, God-sized prayers that move His heart to action. Today we'll lay a foundation for what's to come, and look at two important truths we have to understand before we can pray God-sized prayers. We'll also talk about how to combat the fatal flaw built into all of us that, whether we like it or not, makes God not want to do what we ask Him for.

So join us as we start a new journey together toward praying the kinds of prayers that move the heart of God, and watch as those God-sized prayers become God-sized miracles that only He can get the credit for. Let's learn how to pray for rain.

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Daily Bread

It's City North's 7th birthday! But what do a birthday, a miracle involving bread from heaven, and people wandering in a desert 3,500 years ago have in common? And frankly, why does any of it matter at all? I mean, isn't celebrating a church birthday a little weird?

Just like in our normal lives, birthdays are a perfect and natural time to look back at where we've been, and look forward to where we're going. For our church it's no different. And as we look back there are an awful lot of similarities between a story God wrote thousands of years ago when Israel was wandering in the desert and the story he's written in and through City North these last seven years.

But even more importantly, we'll use what God has past as we look ahead to an uncertain future

This week we'll answer that question as we look back to remember what God has done and look ahead at what God is going to do.

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What Do I Do When I'm Wrong?

Have you ever been wrong about anything? Because we all have, but sometimes it’s hard to admit. Today we’re looking at a story from Jesus’ life that we can’t all totally agree on. There’s wells and mountains and husbands and metaphors about living water and food. And Samaritans! What is so controversial about this unnamed woman? Do the things we disagree about change anything? How does having humility when we are approaching Scripture set us up for a better understanding? Can humility about our own story, other people’s stories, or even God’s story help us connect better? Thankfully one thing remains the same - Jesus is still the source of new life and new changes.

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5 for 5

Through the generations, God has been proving himself to his people. While knowing what God has done in our own lives is really important, it's also important to know what God has done in the lives of others. That's a huge part of the power of being part of a church family.

This week we'll leverage that power by hearing the stories from five people inside our church about how God has proven Himself to them throughout their lives.

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Punishment, Pain, and Peace

When you think of discipline, what do you think of? Your parents yelling at you when you spilled some milk as a kid? Being sent to the principle's office in front of your entire class? No matter who we are we all have images and moments that spring to mind when we think of discipline, and for most of us the images are images of punishment and pain.

But what if we have it all wrong when it comes to God? What if we should actually see ALL the painful things in our lives as God's discipline, regardless of if they're really his discipline or not? What if, for some of us, our desire to avoid discipline actually short circuits the ability to have the peace of God in our lives?

This week we're digging into Hebrews chapter 12 to gain a deeper understanding of not only how we should view God's discipline in our lives, but, why we should view everything painful in our lives through the lens of God's discipline. Most importantly we're going to learn why God's discipline is such an important part of our life and how to allow it to bring us peace and to help other people find peace, too.

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The Cost of Comparison

When we're young we start comparing ourselves to others. As we get older the comparison changes in some ways, but in many others it stays exactly the same. Instead of toys we compare homes. Instead of grades we compare jobs. Instead of clothes we compare how often we smile to how often they smile on Facebook, and it's a losing game.

To make matters worse, although we all struggle with comparison, few of us have taken the time to think about what comparison really costs. We compare, but we don't realize the price we pay every time we do.

Join us this week as we look into a story Jesus told about workers in a vineyard. Inside the story Jesus reveals exactly what comparison really costs, and, critically, why it costs us. Then we'll learn one simple question we can ask ourselves to break the cycle of comparison and stop paying such a steep price.

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Why Do We Sing?

Sometimes we just do things without really thinking about why we do them. Every Sunday churches around the globe gather and sing. Have you ever wondered why? Why do we take time out of our busy schedules to sing a few songs together? Is it to fill time? Is it because we've "always done it"? Is it even important?

This week we'll explore those questions by turning to both the Bible and psychology. We'll learn why singing matters, why singing TOGETHER matters, and how we can use the simple, age-old tool of music to change our lives.

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The Book of Titus

In the Bible there are some books that we tend to spend a lot of time in, and there are books we tend to overlook sometimes. One of those is a short letter from Paul to a man named Titus. But even though it's one of the shortest books of the Bible, Titus is far from short on meaning and impact.

This week we'll take a look at how Paul instructed Titus to lead the early church on the island of Crete. While the context, location, and date might be very different, the issues Paul was addressing are just as important today as they were two thousand years ago. In fact, mostly what Paul writes about is how the Cretans should live to make a difference in the lives of the people around them, and that's something we all want, even today.

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Good Soil

In the Bible Jesus most taught in what are known as parables. These short, fictional stories are packed with deep, rich truth. By his own admission, Jesus taught this way so people would have to try a bit to get at the deeper meanings. What that also means is parables keep revealing more and more over time.

This week we're looking at one of Jesus' most famous parables. In it, Jesus describes four kinds of soil, but, as it turns out, Jesus isn't referring to soil. Rather, this quick story reveals why so many people live, but never truly live, by showing us the four ways we live our lives in relationship to the Gospel. And, even more crucially, we can learn how to identify what type of "soil" each of our lives is, so we can amend it and live lives that are truly fruitful.

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