Daily Bread

It's City North's 7th birthday! But what do a birthday, a miracle involving bread from heaven, and people wandering in a desert 3,500 years ago have in common? And frankly, why does any of it matter at all? I mean, isn't celebrating a church birthday a little weird?

Just like in our normal lives, birthdays are a perfect and natural time to look back at where we've been, and look forward to where we're going. For our church it's no different. And as we look back there are an awful lot of similarities between a story God wrote thousands of years ago when Israel was wandering in the desert and the story he's written in and through City North these last seven years.

But even more importantly, we'll use what God has past as we look ahead to an uncertain future

This week we'll answer that question as we look back to remember what God has done and look ahead at what God is going to do.



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