Livestream begins at 10:15am every Sunday.
Before that time the previous week’s service will be available on-demand.

Take A Step

Let us know who you are by filling out a digital Connect Card. For every Connect Card we receive we donate $5 to the Bair Foundation.

Are you interested in being baptized? Joining a small group? Coming to the next Starting Point? Let us know and we’ll get you all the information you need.

You can be part of what God is doing at City North through your generosity. Every dollar given helps us reach more people with the live-giving message of Jesus.

Whether you’re part of City North or not we would love to pray for you. Let us know what’s going on and we’ll go to God on your behalf.

If you’ve never been to City North in person we would love to meet you. Let us know if you’re planning on coming and we’ll make sure to get you all you need before you show up.

 Watch Another Message