Dream Big

What kinds of prayers move the heart of God? That's a question many of us have never thought about, but, if we're going to pray prayers that move God's heart, it's an important one for us to ask. Unfortunately for many of us the reality is we don't see God move because we don't pray prayers that require Him to move.

In other words, for many of us, our prayers aren't God-sized prayers. They're "safe". They don't require any risk on our part, which means they don't require God at all. And if our prayers don't require God they aren't going to move God's heart. It's as simple as that.

This week we'll look to three short stories in the Bible of people dreaming God-sized dreams and moving the heart of Jesus to respond in miraculous ways. Plus, packed into the third story is a question at the very center of our faith, and a question that, if we don't settle it in our hearts, will prevent us from ever praying the kinds of prayers that move the heart of God.




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