Posts in Part 8
Good Soil

In the Bible Jesus most taught in what are known as parables. These short, fictional stories are packed with deep, rich truth. By his own admission, Jesus taught this way so people would have to try a bit to get at the deeper meanings. What that also means is parables keep revealing more and more over time.

This week we're looking at one of Jesus' most famous parables. In it, Jesus describes four kinds of soil, but, as it turns out, Jesus isn't referring to soil. Rather, this quick story reveals why so many people live, but never truly live, by showing us the four ways we live our lives in relationship to the Gospel. And, even more crucially, we can learn how to identify what type of "soil" each of our lives is, so we can amend it and live lives that are truly fruitful.

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Grace In the Night

Think about the times in your life you grew the most. The times you became stronger. The times you really changed for the better. Were they the times when life was best? Or were they the times life was tough? We put so much time and energy into trying to run OUT of the darkness in our lives, but what if the darkness is exactly what God uses to grow us most?

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