Posts in Part 2
Find An Overflowing Joy

What if we could have so much joy it couldn't stay inside us? What if, like a cup of water we fill too full we had so much joy it just spilled out onto the people around us? That might make 2021 a little better than 2020!

Jesus himself said that kind of joy was available to us. So how do we access it? This week we'll dig into what Jesus said and learn the secret to finding an overflowing joy.

This week we'll start our year by getting our focus right. We'll learn who our real enemy is and how to fight the right battles.

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The Principle of Mammon

Trust is the most important part of any relationship. But for many of us we live day in and day out trusting our money more than God, and when we live that way we'll never experience God's blessings in our lives. This week we'll look at our trust problem with money and learn how to break the power it has over us.

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How Do I Forgive God?

What happens when God lets us down? When the person we've prayed for dies, or the marriage we've begged God to heal falls apart? What happens when everyone around us seems to get ahead, but we just get further and further behind while we're trying to follow God every day?

Sometimes we get angry with God. This week we'll talk about how to deal with that, how to forgive God (even though he doesn't actually need it), and how to start dropping our forgiveness baggage to move forward .

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Fight! Fight! Fight!

Do you remember a good fight from middle school or high school? While a couple kids brawled some kids stood in the back while others stood around yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!". This is too much like our modern political landscape isn't it? What's the role of a Christian in the fight? For too long we've been the ones fighting, but maybe that's not actually our job at all.

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Put On Your Big Boy Pants

God gave us the most incredible gift in Jesus Christ. So what should we do with that gift? It all begins with understanding the weight and seriousness of it. Instead of living life however we want, Christians should begin by feeling the gravity of salvation in our own lives. Until we’re willing to put our big boy pants on we can’t really do much for God.

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Unconditional Love

Do you have some people in your life that you just tolerate? Who grate on your nerves and don’t leave a lot of room to be loved? Sure we are supposed to love everyone, but people don’t make it easy sometimes. Have you ever felt like you were on the other end of that stick? Just tolerated? The truth is, we all filter the ideals and practicalities of WHAT love is, through the lens of personal experience. This often leaves us with a very shallow view of what love, much less the kind God gives, can be. But God’s love is unconditional. He chooses us, and chooses to love us through our brokenness and humanity. This week we talk about what being chosen means, and how it can change the way you see and interact with the world.

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Peace In The Chaos

Remember when there was dial up, answering machines, newspapers, and Encyclopedias? When the instantaneous access to the world’s information was barely even a dream? When life just seemed to move more slowly? When there just simply wasn’t as much noise to keep us constantly distracted? In the overwhelming stress and anxiety of everyday life, how do we make time to pause? WHEN could we, even if it sounded like an amazing idea? This week we get real about how important peace is, to living a fulfilling life, and some simple and practical applications.

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Send Me

So many of our prayers are repetitions we have heard since childhood. “Now I lay me down to sleep” has its place, but so many of us never move on to more challenging conversations with God. True relational growth pushes us out side of our comfort zone, and grows in ways we hardly ever expect. The same should be true of our relationship with God. This week, we turn to some of the last words Jesus ever spoke: words that challenged his followers, and continue to do so now. Be careful though, taking these words to heart could change everything.

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Hollow Worship

Worship: what is it? this word has been adopted by the church, but has been used for centuries. People worship all kinds of things, though they may not realize it. Is it celebrity, fashion, power, influence, or just shiny new stuff? Many people have a different image in their heads of what this word really even means. What are we worshipping? What about the kind of worship that could change us for the better? In part two of this series, we dive into the most excellent type of worship that most of us don’t even take time to think about.

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Critical People

Critical people are the worst! They are also unavoidable. How do we defeat these relational vampires and keep them from draining our sanity? And how do we overcome our own internal disposition towards criticism? This week we dig into what it takes to rise above these life-suckers and move towards a more satisfying life.

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Fundamental 2

In this happy new year, what are you doing to make it your best year yet? Not just the same old resolutions, but actual changes you would make to be closer to God and grow as a person this year? This week we are talking about the relational changes in your life that could help make huge strides towards a better life.

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Chestnuts roasting by an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, too many people in the stores, and awkward family you are obligated to spend the holiday with! Sounds stressful, right? Who doesn’t have at least one person they would love to avoid this holiday season? While there is no antidote available to make people more bearable this time of year, there ARE some biblical principles that can help us maintain our sanity and grace. This week, we explore how to deal with people when we just don’t want to.

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I Don't Want What I Need

What do you do when you discover the monster that lived in your closet as a kid didn't actually disappear, but just moved closets? You run and hide, of course! But the monster doesn't go away in the dark. It grows. And grows. And grows. The only thing that gets the monster back in the closet is light, but we fear the light more than the monster, because the light has the potential to prove the monster is real. This week we face the monster head on and find the hope we need to face him.

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The Lies of Labels

It is hard to get away from labels. Nerd. Jock. Rebel. Princess. But sometimes these terms can be used to limit us, to hold back our potential. What labels have we convinced ourselves apply to us? How do we overcome these descriptors and step into who God calls us to be? This week, we look at the ways labels are used to hinder our relationship with Christ, and how to overcome the lies that are too often used to define us.

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The Comfort of Apathy

We don't think much about spiritual apathy, but it was a big deal to Jesus. So big a deal in fact He said it made him sick. Why is it such a big deal? How can we ignite passion back into our faith? In part two of Overcomer, we tackle this huge issue and make a commitment to reclaim our passion.

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