Posts in Part 1

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or that is what all the signs tell us. For some, it is a season of stress, anxiety, too many obligations, and no control of where the time goes. How do we make it through the season with our sanity intact? This week, we explore how to deal with the plague of busy-ness and focus on relieving the stress of the holidays.

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The Curse of Comparison

We are all different And the world has made commonplace the practice of comparison. It tells us to own more stuff, to be more beautiful, to have more money or influence. The temptation to judge ourselves by impossible standards, and pursue a lifestyle where you can never have enough, is all around us. This week we discuss the Curse of Comparison, how to gain perspective and focus on the bigger picture, and overcome the lies that surround us.

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Racism Reconciled

God calls us to be neighbors, but sometimes it is hard to see the invisible lines we draw. How do we rise above societal bias and racial stigma? What role does racism play in our approach to loving people? In part one of this four-part series, we explore where faith and community intersect and break down the barriers of racism.

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Preparing to Hear

How do we hear from God? Does God still speak today? Listen to part 1 of our miniseries Frequency. We'll look at several stories Jesus told that can teach us how to prepare to hear from God and uncover reason why you might not be hearing His voice today.

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