Trust is the most important part of any relationship. But for many of us we live day in and day out trusting our money more than God, and when we live that way we'll never experience God's blessings in our lives. This week we'll look at our trust problem with money and learn how to break the power it has over us.
Read MoreGod wants us to live a blessed life. We want God's blessing in our lives. So why is it we so often feel like we aren't experiencing His blessing? This week we're kicking off a new message series where we'll answer that question and learn how to live the blessed life.
Read MoreForgiveness is such a difficult thing. Even if we want to, sometimes it's so tough to actually let go. And what do we do when the things we need to forgive are truly terrible? Is it even possible? As we finish up The Grudge, we'll learn some critical truths about forgiveness, and lay out steps to take to truly be free. It's not easy, and it may not be what you want to hear, but it can change your life.
Read MoreSometimes the hardest person to forgive is… me…. What do you do when your past is full of mistakes? What do you do when you’ve let down people you love again and again? Can you really be free of it? This week we’ll show you a critical Biblical truth to show you why forgiving ourselves is so difficult, and teach you what to do about it so you can let yourself off the hook once and for all.
Read MoreWhat happens when God lets us down? When the person we've prayed for dies, or the marriage we've begged God to heal falls apart? What happens when everyone around us seems to get ahead, but we just get further and further behind while we're trying to follow God every day?
Sometimes we get angry with God. This week we'll talk about how to deal with that, how to forgive God (even though he doesn't actually need it), and how to start dropping our forgiveness baggage to move forward .
Read MoreHave you ever held a grudge? Maybe it was a stupid one, or maybe you really deserved to hold it. No matter who you are, there are times in life we’re so offended we hold on to things. Unfortunately for some of us those grudges build up over time and keep us from all God has for us. In other words, grudges can keep us stuck in the past, and prevent us from God’s future.
This week we’ll unpack a powerful Biblical principle from the story of Joseph, and begin a journey to be free of the offenses of the past, so we can move fully into God’s future.
Sometimes when God calls, things don’t go how we imagine. It’s easy to think that must mean we read wrong, or God picked the wrong person, or we’ve failed Him in some way. But the truth is that no matter where the journey leads, God is with you, God is for you, and God will never fail you.
Read MoreDo you remember a good fight from middle school or high school? While a couple kids brawled some kids stood in the back while others stood around yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!". This is too much like our modern political landscape isn't it? What's the role of a Christian in the fight? For too long we've been the ones fighting, but maybe that's not actually our job at all.
Read MoreDid you know Jesus is not American? In fact, Jesus doesn't fit very well into our political system at all. Sure, republicans like to think Jesus is republican, and democrats like to think He's a democrat, but Jesus didn't come to take sides. He just didn't. He came for so much more.
Read MoreThink about the times in your life you grew the most. The times you became stronger. The times you really changed for the better. Were they the times when life was best? Or were they the times life was tough? We put so much time and energy into trying to run OUT of the darkness in our lives, but what if the darkness is exactly what God uses to grow us most?
Read MoreThey say “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, and it’s mostly true, isn’t it? It’s true for just about anything. It’s the reason peaches are so good in the summer, or why springtime is so wonderful. We haven’t had the peaches, and we haven’t had the warmth, so they’re that much better.
So it is in our faith. One day we’ll be without pain, suffering, worry, or fear, and we’ll appreciate it so much more because we’ve been through it. While it doesn’t make suffering now any easier, with the right perspective we can get through.
Read MoreWe work so hard to get rid of anything in our lives we don’t like. Things that cause stress, things that are difficult, or things that we think should be different are seen as a problem. But when we look back on our lives it’s usually in those times God does the most incredible things, isn’t it? What if, in our desire to remove the darkness, we’re really just making it longer?
Read MorePeople always want to know how to get God's best blessing in their lives. It's an interesting and important question. God WANTS to bless us. He WANTS to do great things in us. So why don't we usually feel it? This week we'll learn how to not only GET God's blessing, but how to experience it fully.
Read MoreSometimes the Bible talks about things that are… uncomfortable to say the least. But no matter how uncomfortable there are always principles we can pull out of Scripture that teach us how to live more like Jesus today. This week we’ll look at one of the most uncomfortable sections of the New Testament and find a principle that is a complete game-changer.
Read MoreHave you ever thought that, if you’re a Christian, you might be the only Jesus some people see in their lives? That’s a lot of responsibility! The truth is, Jesus doesn’t save us just so we feel better and go to Heaven one day. He saves us so we can show the world what a great God He is, and how the the gift of salvation has changed us. If you want light in your life, start using the light you’ve been given to light up someone else’s life. You might be the only Jesus they ever see.
Read MoreGod gave us the most incredible gift in Jesus Christ. So what should we do with that gift? It all begins with understanding the weight and seriousness of it. Instead of living life however we want, Christians should begin by feeling the gravity of salvation in our own lives. Until we’re willing to put our big boy pants on we can’t really do much for God.
Read MoreNo matter how dark life is there is hope in Jesus. This is easy to forget, but critical to remember. In the early 60’s AD Peter wrote to five churches in Asia Minor reminding them of this truth. Just like this is an unprecedented time for us, it was an unprecedented time for them as well. It may be dark today, but choose hope, because dawn is coming.
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