About 2,700 years ago a man named Micah from a town called Moresheth spoke words from God that have endured through the generations. There were words of warning and words of encouragement. There were prophecies of destruction and prophecies of redemption. There were words of death and words of life.
In the Bible Micah's words are recorded in a book simply titled, "Micah". The question is what do the words of this prophet have to do with us, 2,700 years later, halfway around the world? What could this man possibly have to say to us who live in a completely different context, culture, and place?
What's incredible is that Micah's words are just as applicable to us today as they were to Israel when they were spoken. In fact, in many ways the book of Micah is just a summary of the Bible as a whole. Not only that but Micah speaks some of the most powerful, impactful, and important words in all the Bible about what truly matters to God. So dig in with us this week as we explore the book of Micah.
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