Goosebump God

"I want to believe in God, but I don't feel him in my life..." This is such a common thing for people to say, but feelings are not the best evidence of God's presence. Why? Because feelings are hard to interpret. How do we know when we feel God? When we don't feel God who's fault is it? In part three of this four part series we talk about why we don't feel God in our lives sometimes, and what we can do to change it.

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On-Demand God

In an on-demand world we want an on-demand God. The problem is On-Demand God doesn't exist. This causes us to question and doubt whether God is real at all. In part one of this four part series we'll learn how the real God is actually better than the false On-Demand God and answer tough questions about times when God doesn't seem to answer our prayers.

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Three Days to Resurrection

Easter isn't just something to celebrate, it's something to experience. In the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the Easter story we see the same journey we go on in our own lives, from pain to confusion, and ultimately to victory. But we can only experience that victory through the resurrection power of Jesus! There is no death His power cannot resurrect!

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Andrew ScholzEaster 2017
Stand Firm in the Fire

No matter who you are there are seasons of life filled with pain and heartache. Sometimes we call these times times of "fire". Often we can't see past the flames, but when we're in the middle of the fire God is doing things we never could imagine, and if we can have the strength to stand firm in the fire our lives will never be the same.

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Andrew ScholzStand
Stand In Faith

At moments in our life of prayer and faith, it can feel as though no one is listening, our prayers are not working and God is not responding.  The truth is that God hears us from the first moment we pray, and He is at work even when we don’t see result yet.  Stand Firm in Faith that God is at work! Keep praying and you will see Gods response in His timing.  

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Mike DurstStand
Stand Strong

Life as a follower of Jesus is not always easy. In fact, we should expect opposition when we're advancing God's Kingdom in this world. How can we have the faith to stand strong in the toughest of circumstances? This week we explore the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den to learn how.

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Andrew ScholzStand
Stand Up

There will be a time in your life when you have to stand up for what's right and confront someone you love because of how they are living. How can we do that in the right ways, at the right times, and for the right reasons? Today we learn from the story of Daniel confronting Nebuchadnezzar after he interprets a pretty crazy dream. By standing up, Daniel changes the heart of the King and (eventually) gets him on the right path.

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Avoiding Election Infection

Politics. No matter who you are they effect you. This is especially true in the political climate in our country today. Yet in this divided time the church has an extraordinary opportunity to bring hope and healing and be light in the darkness. What should our response be? Find out in this standalone message.

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Never Give Up

Marriage is so difficult because, if we’re not careful, we can easily go down a road that leads to hopelessness. It’s there that we begin to ask ourselves, “is this even worth it?” When we want to give up we need to remember that marriage is a covenant, not a contract. A covenant is a permanent agreement with no end date. When we marry, God does a miracle and makes two people one, and you can’t un-one what God made one. In that covenant, if we will remember and practice the principles of sowing and reaping we can have hope again. So remember, you reap what you sow, and you reap where you sow. From this day forward let’s be people who give what we want to get, and who sow where we want to grow.

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Stay Pure

Purity is a hard thing in a sex-driven culture. But purity is absolutely necessary to have a great marriage. As difficult as it is, there are safeguards we can put in place to make sure we stay on the right track. This week we discover some safeguards from God's Word that give us the power to stay pure.

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Have Fun

Our marriage can't survive without fun, but life has a tendency to suck the fun out of our marriages. Before we know it the memories of the way things used to be are a distant memory and we have no idea how to get back there. This week we look at three types of fun we have to have in our marriages for them to stay healthy and life-giving.

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Fight Fair

Fights happen. They're inevitable. The key to having a great marriage isn't IF we fight, it's HOW we fight. This week we discover three rules for fighting fair, and get some practical help to bring healing to our hurt. Remember: healthy couples fight for resolution, but unhealthy couples fight to win. Fight Fair.

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New Friends

God created us for relationships. From the beginning of creation His plan was that His work in this world would be accomplished through relationships. That's why relationships are spiritual. And that truth holds the key to breaking free from bad relationships and making 2017 the year of our best relationships.

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New Finances

Money. Is there ever enough of it? Can it ever stop causing us stress? In part three of "Brand New" we look at finances and discover how God can transform us from the inside out and give us real change financially.

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New Fitness

Fitness. Whether it's eating healthier, working out more, or losing weight fitness resolutions are some of the most common we have. They're also some of the hardest to keep. This week we look at how fitness is connected to our spiritual life, discover why we struggle so much with keeping our fitness goals, and learn how we can have real, lasting change.

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New Faith

New Year's is a time for resolutions and new beginnings. But why is it so often the hope and promise of "new" ends with things the same way they always were. Maybe we're going about life change the wrong way. What if, rather than just trying to improve we could let God make us brand new?

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Prince of Peace

Financial peace is difficult when we're all trying to keep up with the Jones's. That's especially true during the holidays. Traveling, presents, and everything that comes along with it can leave us frustrated, stressed, and feeling hopeless financially. But there is hope. The Prince of Peace has some principles that we can follow to find peace in the midst of the chaos.

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