• November 2023
  • We don't like to think we're mastered by anything, but the truth is the Bible makes it clear from cover to cover that we're all mastered by something. And as much as the topic may make us uncomfortable, Jesus taught about money, riches as much as he taught on any other topic, because he knew those were the main things that master us. Paul made it as clear as possible in his letter to Timothy when he said it this way: "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." So although we may not like it, the reality is we have to talk about our relationship with money, because if we're not very, very careful money will master us. For many of us we might already be there. But there's good news. Even if we've never taken the steps to keep money under control it's never too late. In this three part message series we'll take a look at what the Bible has to say about our relationship to money and learn what steps we need to take to make sure it never masters us.

  • Messages