• January 2024
  • In every area of life there are fundamentals. Little things that make a big difference. This is something every athlete knows all too well. And in sports, when you do the little things right, you maximize your chances to win. On the flip side, if you don't get the fundamentals right, you open yourself up to things not going very well at all.

    Our faith is pretty similar. We think it's really complex sometimes, but the reality is there are a few fundamentals that set the stage for everything else. When we do the fundamentals things just work better. When we don't, well, things don't work very well at all.

    In this message series we'll explore four fundamentals that, if you'll put them into place in your life, will make a huge difference. They won't change everything overnight, but they will give you the best possible chance at a life and faith that are, as Jesus described in John 10:10, "full".

  • Messages